Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas & Christ

I saw my friend's status in his facebook wall saying: It's Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.. then I comment: and It's about Christ not Claus..

Thank you Richard for your status that inspired me.. ~_^

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Baptism

Today, Des 11.. 26 years ago.. I accept Jesus Christ to be my Savior.. I knew about him trough a Catholic school where I studied. Since I know about Him, I think He already stole my heart.. Well.. glad He did :)

I sealed for accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior in a Christian way..

In the beginning, I've studied to be a Catholic for a year & ready to be baptized.. but few days before it happen; I called it off & postpone it.. I thought I wasn't ready at that time..

Well, don't get me wrong.. It didn't mean I wanna leave Him.. He had me at hello.. so I won't do that.. hehehe.. I was just confused, I guess.. but.. later on I knew.. why..

After I decided to postpone the baptism.. my mom started to bark me to visit her church.. it's a Christian Pentecostal church.. she went there because of my stepfather (a loving & caring stepfather).

I refused it in the beginning.. but couldn't help it.. Mom kept barking & barking.. hahaha.. so finally.. I went there to make her happy & stop the barking.

I didn't know why.. but somehow I felt so comfortable with the way of the ceremony in that church.. I felt more alive.. joys.. & I learn more about Him too.. (note: not offend the Catholic way, ok)

The first purpose of making my mom happy & stopping the barking became joys.. & made me fall in love to Him more & more.

Three months later after my first visit.. I came to my mom & told her.. "Mom.. I wanna get baptize.." She was surprised with joys too.

Then.. I sealed for accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior forever.
♥ Love Him always ♥

Hari ini, 11 Des.. 26 tahun lalu .. aku menerima Kristus untuk menjadi Juruselamat-ku.. Aku tahu tentang dia melalui sebuah sekolah Katolik di mana aku belajar. Sejak aku tahu tentang Dia, kayanya DIA sudah mencuri hatiku.. Yah.. Seneng Dia melakukan itu :)

Aku dimeteraikan untuk menerima Jesus Kristus sebagai Juruselamat ku dengan cara Kristen..

Pada awalnya, aku belajar untuk menjadi seorang Katolik selama satu tahun & siap untuk dibaptis .. namun beberapa hari sebelum itu terjadi, aku membatalkan & menundanya.. Aku rasa aku belum siap pada waktu itu.  

Yah, jangan salah paham.. Itu tidak berarti aku ingin meninggalkan-Nya.. He had me at Hello.. jadi gak mungkin aku akan melakukan itu.. hehehe.. Aku hanya bingung aza kayanya.. tapi.. kemudian aku tahu.. mengapa..

Setelah aku memutuskan untuk menunda baptisan.. mama-ku mulai menggonggongi aku untuk mengunjungi gerejanya.. itu sebuah gereja Kristen Pentakosta.. dia pergi ke sana karena papa tiriku (papa tiri yg penuh kasih & kepedulian). 

Awalnya aku menolak.. tapi itu tidak bisa membantu apa-apa.. Mama terus menggonggong & menggonggong.. hahaha.. jadi akhirnya aku pergi juga ke sana, untuk  membuatnya bahagia & berhenti menggonggong.

Aku tidak tahu mengapa .. tapi entah kenapa aku merasa begitu nyaman dengan cara upacara di gereja itu.. Aku merasa lebih hidup .. sukacita.. & aku belajar tentang Dia lebih banyak juga .. (catatan: tidak menyinggung cara Katolik, ok)

Tujuan pertama untuk membuat mama-ku senang & berhenti menggonggong menjadi sukacita .. & Membuatku jatuh cinta kepada-Nya lebih & lebih lagi.

Tiga bulan kemudian setelah kunjungan pertama-ku.. Aku datang ke mama-ku & mengatakan padanya ..
"Ma .. aku mo dibaptis.." Dia terkejut dengan kebahagiaan juga.

Lalu .. Aku dimeteraikan untuk menerima Jesus Kristus sebagai Juruselamat-ku selamanya.

♥ Love Him always ♥

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's All About You, Jesus

Remember.. Christmas is NOT about Santa Claus.. Easter is NOT about bunny.. It's all about Jesus..
Watch out with what they've done all this time.. It's time to bring HIM back.. It's all about Jesus.

Ingat .. Natal adalah BUKAN tentang Santa Claus.. Paskah adalah BUKAN tentang kelinci.. Ini semua adalah tentang Jesus..
Hati-hati dengan apa yang mereka lakukan selama ini .. Sudah waktunya untuk membawa DIA kembali .. Ini semua tentang Jesus.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Leadership Is Action

J3 Parcel & Xmas 2011

My side business .. Initially my friend asked me to join & start this business, It was 2002.. Just for killing time but get a good money & also for run away from my sorrow feeling.. better than thinking about what has gone :D Ђƺђƺ

Eh.. It's continue till now.. Sadly, in 2007, my friend was so busy and had to left the business, since then I've been done it alone. Thank you to my friend, Farida who made my time more useful & worth to spend
♥ Love you ♥

 Click the image.. It will bring you to the website

Bisnis sampingan gw.. Awalnya diajak temen untuk bergabung & memulai bisnis ini pada tahun 2002.. Hanya untuk membunuh waktu.. iseng-iseng berhadiah.. & skalian ngilangin kepengapan.. lebih baik daripada mikirin yang dah pergi :D Ђƺђƺ

Eh .. berlanjut sampai sekarang .. Sayangnya, di tahun 2007, karna kesibukannya, teman gw harus meninggalkan bisnis ini, sejak itu gw telah melakukannya sendiri. Terima kasih kepada teman gw, Farida, yang dah bikin waktu gw lebih berguna & bermanfaat Love you girl ♥

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Don't Run After Them

Pastor Rick Warren: 
God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them. 

For me.. If we do love him/her.. we will be willing to sacrifice for their happiness.. including the freedom from us. If he/she loves us enough, they won't leave us in the first place.. There will be a time for them to realize it.

Love is not blind .. We are just blinded or blinding ourselves because of love.

Pastor Rick Warren:
Allah kadang menghilangkan seseorang dari kehidupan Anda untuk melindungi Anda. Jangan lari mencari mereka.

Bagi gw .. Jika qta mencintai-nya.. qta akan bersedia berkorban untuk kebahagiaan-nya.. termasuk kebebasan dirinya dari qta. Jika dia cukup mengasihi qta, dia jg tidak akan meninggalkan qta-kan.. Akan ada waktu bagi mereka untuk menyadari smua itu.

Cinta itu tidak buta.. Qta hanya dibutakan atau membutakan diri qta krn cinta.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Alone but Not Lonely

Why Sleep Is So Important

It is useless to work so hard for a living, getting up early and going to bed late. For the LORD provides for those he loves, while they are asleep. [Psalms 127:2]

♣ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Õσps Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡  In fact, sleeping is not only good for our bodies to rest, but also the time where the Lord provides for people He loves..

It's a logical.. When we are busy with our routines or activities, our spirits is also busy.. What are not in our plasticity or mind, barely get our attention.

Forget about God, even the attention of people who love us, sometime get neglected, or even more could be the cause of emotions to go high.. seems like there is no other time to talk about those subject.. ђёe.. ђёe..

Only when we're sleeping.. our body get rest so does our spirit, which's not sleeping like our body; and at that moment, God can communicates and connect His sprit with ours.. Then He will provides what we need.

Don't hope He will give you something that you can see with your human eyes; instade without us knowing it, He provides what our spirit can/will do for us.

So don't be surprise if suddenly we can/will do something that we never think of.. or we can get solution for something that bothering us.. or we're able to face tough things with a light feeling..

Sometime, He also provides us information/wisdom about what/might happen to us, others or this world..

Hmm.. no wonder people/we can be cranky when don't get enough sleep.. coz we don't get much from Him.. Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ

By the way.. dream is also one of a way that God communicate to us.. :)

Sia-sialah kamu bangun pagi-pagi dan duduk-duduk sampai jauh malam, dan makan roti yang diperoleh dengan susah payah -- sebab Ia memberikannya kepada yang dicintai-Nya pada waktu tidur. [Mazmur 127:2]

♣ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Õσps Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡  Kenyataannya, tidur tidak hanya baik untuk tubuh kita beristirahat, tetapi juga waktu dimana Tuhan menyediakan bagi orang-orang Dia mengasihi ..Ini adalah logis.. Ketika kita sibuk dengan rutinitas atau kegiatan kita, roh kita juga sibuk.. Apa yang tidak terlihat atau terpikir oleh kita, hampir tidak mendapatkan perhatian kita. 

Jangankan Tuhan, bahkan perhatian orang-orang yang mencintai kita, kadang dapat diabaikan, atau malah bisa menjadi penyebab emosi kita naik tinggi.. Seperti tidak ada waktu lain aja untuk berbicara tentang hal itu.. ђёe .. ђёe ..

Hanya ketika kita sedang tidur.. tubuh kita beristirahat begitu juga roh kita, yang tidak tidur seperti tubuh kita; dan pada saat itu, Allah dapat berkomunikasi dan menghubungkan sprit-Nya dengan roh kita.. Kemudian Dia akan memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan.

Jangan berharap Dia akan memberi Anda sesuatu yang dapat Anda lihat dengan mata manusia Anda, melainkan tanpa kita sadari, Dia menyediakan apa yang roh kita dapat / akan lakukan untuk kita.  

Jadi jangan heran jika tiba-tiba kita dapat / akan melakukan sesuatu yang kita tidak pernah terpikirkan .. atau kita bisa mendapatkan solusi untuk sesuatu yang mengganggu kita .. atau kita mampu menghadapi hal yang sulit dengan perasaan ringan ..

Kadang, Dia juga memberikan kita informasi / kebijaksanaan tentang apa yang / mungkin terjadi pada kita, orang lain atau dunia ini ..

Hmm .. tidak heran orang / kita bisa menjadi rewel saat tidak mendapatkan cukup tidur .. coz kita tidak mendapatkan banyak dari-Nya .. Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ

By the way .. Mimpi juga merupakan salah satu cara Tuhan berkomunikasi dengan kita .. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Honest ~ Luke 16:11-12

If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? [Luke 16:11-12]

If in terms of money (mammon) alone we can not be honest, how God wants to give us blessings .. If with someone else's property we can go around, especially for our benefit, even though we ourselves may not be able to have it .. how others want to give and  entrust to us.. Maybe God will be confused, through whom HE wants to give our treasure to us .. because no one can / want to trust us .. : D Ђƺђƺ logic .. logical .. makes sense anyway: D

Jadi, jikalau kamu tidak setia dalam hal Mamon yang tidak jujur, siapakah yang akan mempercayakan kepadamu harta yang sesungguhnya? Dan jikalau kamu tidak setia dalam harta orang lain, siapakah yang akan menyerahkan hartamu sendiri kepadamu? [Lukas 16:11-12]

Kalo dalam hal uang (mamon) saja kita tidak bisa jujur, bagaimana Tuhan mau memberi kita berkat.. Kalo dengan harta orang lain saja kita bisa seenaknya, apalagi untuk kepentingan kita, padahal kita sendiri belum tentu bisa memilikinya.. bagaimana orang lain mau memberi dan mempercayakannya kepada kita.. Tuhan juga bingung kali, lewat siapa DIA ingin memberi harta kita kepada kita.. wong tidak ada orang yang bisa/mau percaya dengan kita.. :D Ђƺђƺ Logik.. logik.. masuk akal sih :D

All in You

Passion, desire, hunger ... I found them all in u
My emotions you ignite so easily, my true colors shine through
u awakened my spirit deep down inside, now i feel so alive
With your strength and with your love, somehow I managed to survive

Love, devotion, caring ... I found them all in u
Loving you comes so easily, it's just something that I do
You give yourself so completely, not one emotion do u fail to show
With your love and with your actions, a life as one is the path we will go

WS ~ Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thank you.. so sweet of you...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

God's Wisdom

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. [James 3:17]

Whatever the reason, God doesn't like violence or disturbing; what HE wants is '..on earth as in heaven...' All kinds of differences that exist in this world is with the permission of HIM, including differing views & our thinking.. HE only provide us with a brain to think & a heart to love; and also give us a FREE WILL to choose.. Live how we want to fill our brains, whether by our own thoughts or thoughts of others that we think are clever / knowledgeable / great / holy etc or.. with the wisdom that from Him by opening our heart for Him first. . All of that is our choice..
Use our free will wisely.

Tetapi hikmat yang dari atas adalah pertama-tama murni, selanjutnya pendamai, peramah, penurut, penuh belas kasihan dan buah-buah yang baik, tidak memihak dan tidak munafik. [Yakobus 3:17]

Apapun alasannya, Tuhan itu tidak suka kekerasan atau yang meresahkan; yang DIA inginkan adalah 'diatas bumi seperti di dalam Surga.' Segala macam perbedaan yang ada di dunia ini adalah atas seizin-NYA, termasuk perbedaan pandangan & pemikiran kita.. DIA hanya membekali kita dengan otak untuk berfikir & memberi kita FREE WILL untuk memilih.. Tinggal bagaimana kita mau mengisi otak kita, apakah dengan pemikiran kita sendiri atau pemikiran dari orang lain yang kita anggap pintar/tahu/hebat/suci dll atau.. dengan hikmat yang dari pada-NYA dengan membuka hati kita untuk-Nya terlebih dahulu. Semua itu adalah pilihan kita.. 

Gunakan free will kita dengan bijaksana. 

 God Bless Us all..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

You Mean So Much To Me

You mean so much to me, where could I even begin to start
More than the world so grand, you live deep within my heart
You mean so much to me, I hope that I show you everyday
Just how special you are, in love with you I will forever stay

You mean so much to me, no words could ever say just how much
So I hope my love does show, especially with the way I touch
You mean so much to me, more and more each day my love does grow
Always searching for another way, a special way to let my love show

You mean so much to me, more than any amount of silver or gold
So blessed with your love, so eager to watch our life unfold
You mean so much to me, such a treasure I found in you
Captured by your beauty so real, spell-bound by your love so true

You mean so much to me, a masterpiece of love I did find
So many memories for us to make, my past I leave behind
You mean so much to me, a rainbow with colors that dazzle
Each time I look at you, once more I must call you beautiful

You mean so much to me, just how much I hope you realize
Just take a look at me, see my love deep within my eyes
You mean so much to me, let me put it to you so simply
Everything I ever dreamed of, that's how much you mean to me

I miss u Jen.......U mean so much to me :x lovestruck:) happyO:-) angel:-* kiss
SW ~ Nov 25, 2011

Speechless.. Thank you.. Miss you too :)

My Second Trip to USA in 2011

God is so great.. A month later after my trip to USA for my son to go college.. On October 20, 2011, I get another chance to go there again.. accompanying my cousin with her son, who just turned one, because her husband & her younger sister already went back there earlier due to their job.

Tuhan begitu besar .. Sebulan kemudian setelah perjalanan saya ke USA untuk mengatar anak saya kuliah disana.. Pada tanggal 20 Oktober, saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk pergi ke sana lagi.. mendampingi sepupu saya dengan putranya, yang baru berusia tahun, karena suaminya & adik perempuannya sudah kembali ke sana terlebih dahulu untuk pekerjaan mereka.

We stayed at New Jersey for few days,
for my cousin's brother in-laws' wedding.
 Kami tinggal di New Jersey selama beberapa hari,  
untuk perkawinan adik ipar sepupuhku.

Then I spent few days with my cousin's family at their place in Maryland.  
 Lalu aku menghabiskan beberapa hari dengan keluarga sepupu saya di tempat mereka di Maryland.

Before I went back home..
I flew and stopped by at Seattle to see and spent few days with my son..
He's doing great..
 Sebelum aku kembali pulang ..  
Aku terbang & mampir di Seattle untuk melihat & menghabiskan beberapa hari dengan anak saya.. Dia baik-baik  saja..

Thank You Lord.. for Your blessing and Your care for him.. 
Terima kasih Tuhan .. untuk berkat Anda & perawatan Anda untuknya.

And this time.. On October 31, 2011 early in the morning, I went home directly from Seattle to Jakarta by Eva Air.Thank you Lord for the opportunity and over all.. Thank You for the safe journey.

Dan kali ini .. Pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2011 Pagi-pagi buta, saya pulang ke rumah langsung dari Seattle ke Jakarta dengan Eva Air. Terima kasih Tuhan untuk kesempatan dan atas semua .. Terima kasih untuk perjalanan yang aman.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Look At Me Now

Give yourself to the LORD; trust in him, and he will help you. [Psalml 37:5]

Serahkanlah hidupmu kepada TUHAN dan percayalah kepada-Nya, dan Ia akan bertindak. [Mazmur 37:5]

Thank you JC for changing me.. :) ♥ Love You ♥

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Miss U

I miss u.

I miss her so much.
There is no time in the day that I do not think about her and I together.
There is so much that I with to express to her but I can't.
There was a time when I thought my life was so complete.
After knowing this woman, it feels as if I am so a whole person with her.
It is to my dismay that I only am able to share this in poetry.
It hurts to sit here and remember how happy I am in her presence.
It tears me up to see her walk away from
the moments that we do have together.
Will I ever be able to share this with her?
I hope she knows how much I long for touch and

I missing u always
SW - Nov 19, 2011

Thank you for coming to my world.. You add more color to my life.. 
Miss you too :)

Promise Of A Lifetime

I know you're always there.. To hear my every prayer inside.. I'm clinging to the promise of a lifetime.. I hear the words you say.. To never walk away from me and leave behind.. The promise of a lifetime..

Aku tahu kau selalu ada .. Untuk mendengar setiap doa saya di dalam .. Aku berpegangan pada janji seumur hidup .. Aku mendengar kata-kata yang Anda katakan .. Untuk tidak pernah berjalan menjauh dariku dan meninggalkan .. Janji seumur hidup ..

♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ for being there for me always.. ♥ JC ♥ Without You, I'm nothing. 
Ʈhäƞĸ ƔoƱ karena ada untukku selalu .. JC Tanpa Engkau, aku bukan apa-apa.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Taking Chances

 We don't know about the future.. but the future won't be happen if we don't take chances.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 November ~ Hari Pahlawan

Mengenang para pahlawan bangsa yg telah berjuang & memberikan kita kemerdekaan, yang menegakkan hak & juga kewajiban kita.. Pahlawan2 lain yg telah berjasa dalam perjalanan hidup kita baik langsung/tidak, disadari/tidak.. Pahlawan yang telah mengisi & membuat hidup kita berarti.. orang tua, sahabat, temen, saudara & orang2 yang bekerja dengan/untuk kita.. Dan yang terakhir & terpenting, pahlawan yang ada didalam diri kita.. yang memberi kekuatan & membuat kita survive dalam menjalankan & menghadapi kehidupan ini.. Christ & the Holy Spirit ♥ Selamat Hari Pahlawan ♥ Tuhan memberkati.

My Cousin's Wedding.

to my cousin Fenny and her hubby, Indra
for their Wedding on Saturday, November 05, 2011.

May happiness color your days.. 
and those colors will stay forever..
creating a beautiful painting.. 
Love you both ~_^

Happy to know that you decided to choose this song for your wedding night gathering @ Grand Tropic..

By the way.. thank you for giving me the opportunity & believing in me to be your wedding organizer.. I know it wasn't really well as we planed or had in mind.. but it's good enough for a beginner & it's free too.. hehehe

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet Dream

When it rains it reminds me of u. Although 2000 miles away is so far I still always walk outside in the rain and kiss it just for u. It never fails me. The rain will always come and I'll always think of u. Next time you see a storm on the horizon please don't fear it's just heaven doing me the favor of taking u my kiss. Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever u need me :) happy:-* kiss
Sweet dreams Dear [go gaga]


Thank you.. nice song..

Good Morning

Monday, Oct 17, 2011 
Morning is a wonderful blessing, either sunny or stormy. It stands for hope ... giving us another start of what we call Life.Like the sunshine in the morning, may this brighten your day, and remind you that you're thought of in a very warm way.......... Good Morning! have a great day........ 

Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011 
Wake up with a thankful heart , for all the good things happening in your life, for all the challenges God saw you through and for all the strength heaven sent you to survive. Wake up with a thankful heart, and share the love that has come to you today. Have a cheerful day have a great day.........missing u!

Thank you.. go gaga  :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pray for Bali

Earthquakes 6.8 magn.. Thursday October 13 2011 at 11:16:27 WITA.. 10km dept.. 143 km S.W. of Nusadua Bali.. Hoping.. nothing bad happened down there.. Have mercy Lord.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Wow.. you should see this guys.. ~ Even animals know.. how to treat their prey's baby.. Some humans don't. :D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A God Like You

There is no god like our God.. There is no one like You..!!

Happy sunday everyone.. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Trip To USA

August 31, 2011.. It's the time for my first son to leave Indonesia to study abroad.. USA. Since it was his first year, so I went there with him to accompany & take care of what he needed. Some of my relatives, most of them are close with him came to the airport to support his movement . ~ Thank you guys.. :D 

31 Agustus 2011.. Ini adalah waktunya bagi anak pertama gw pergi meninggalkan Indonesia untuk belajar di luar negeri .. Amerika Serikat. Karna ini adalah tahun pertama, jadi gw ikut pergi ke sana nemenin dia & ngurusin apa2 yang dia butuhkan. Beberapa kerabat gw, yang cukup deket ma anak gw, ikut datang ke bandara untuk melepas kepergiannya. ~ Trima kasih smuanya.. : D

Transit at Singpore, quite long almost 4 hours.. guess I was not really check & booked a wrong time of flight from Indonesia.. It's too early..  and there was nothing we can do there except shopping.. Nope.. No shopping hehehe.. 

Transit di Singpore, cukup panjang hampir 4 jam-an.. Kayanya gw kurang ngecek & salah ngebook jam penerbangan dari Indonesia deh.. Kepagian .. dan gak ada yang bisa qta lakukan disana kecuali belanja.. Nope.. Gak belanja hehehe .

Fort Lee, New Jersey

Silver Spring, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland
Seattle, Washington 
Seattle Airport

Seattle Space Needle

The Motions

 When you start pitying yourself.. you're also starting to empower yourself.. ~JG~ | Ketika Anda mulai mengasihani diri sendiri .. Anda juga mulai memberdayakan diri Anda..

Don't go through the motions.. Make a choice.. Fight through the nothingness of life.. Make a change.. Just OK is not enough..!! | Jgn pergi melalui gerakan.. Buat pilihan.. Melawan melalui kehampaan hidup .. Buat perubahan .. Hanya OK tidak cukup..!!

Beautiful Life

With the imperfection.. my life is still beautiful.. coz JC in it ♥ Dgn ketidaksempurnaan.. hidupku masih indah.. krn JC ada didalamnya.. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Never demands others to change if you can't change your self either.. Changes require a proses, desire, sincerity & the touch of God.. not a dissimulation nor improper purpose. ~jg~

Jangan pernah menuntut orang lain untuk berubah jika Anda tidak dapat mengubah diri Anda jg.. Perubahan memerlukan proses, keinginan, ketulusan & sentuhan Allah .. bukan kepura-puraan atau tujuan yang tidak benar. ~jg~

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Eid 1432 H

To all my Muslim friends & relative..
Happy Eid Day..
Sorry for all the mistakes & misunderstanding for both inner & outer..
Allah bless you all..

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How it Used to Be - Kirk Franklin

How it Used to Be
Kirk Franklin

[Verse I]
I ain't gonna lie
I can't even count the days
Or the many nights I tried living here alone
A heart full of pride
And couldn't see the enemy was me
I was blind and thought my second chance was gone

[Verse II]
A ship without a sail
Battered by a ranging sea
Taking any love I can to try and stop the pain
while waiting to exhale
I finally got on my knees
I know it's been a long time; do You still remember my name?

[B Section]
Can I go back in time?
Can I have another try?
But I can't change yesterday

Oh, I can't take another day without You
'Cause this heart don't beat the same without
I forgot who was, got caught up in this world
Jesus, I apologized
I should've lost my mind without You
Not another sleepless night without You, Jesus
I'm sorry and I'm asking please make us how we used to be

[Verse III]
I try and try too keep my mind on You trouble keep calling me
Every time a wound heals, something else take the healing away
And even when I've gone too far, You knew there would come a day
Momma said what you love let it go and if it comes back, then it's back to say
You already knew i belong to only You
I run to Your arms and say


Never knew a life so cold
I thought that things could fulfill my soul
Tried to find love on my own
It was hard to admit I was wrong
No money, no cars, no fame, no lies, no games, my life please take it

Now it comes to the break (hey)
Tell what you gon' say, you go say (I know I know)
I'll get my life right but (you know) you ain't promised tonight
Baby girl (Without You) [2X]

[Chorus 2x]

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

66 years - Independence Day of Indonesia

August 17, 2011
Happy Independence Day.. Indonesia.. It's been 66 years..
Long live Indonesia.. Long life of my country.. United my nation

Yahweh bless our Indonesia

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Son

Happy birthday to my dear son.. my charming one.. Telis.. all the best boy.. love you so much.. & Jesus loves you too.. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

J3 Parcel ~ Fitri 2011

My new J3 Parcel Logo..

Thank you to my cousin, Ella, who cares so much about my small business.. & thank you to Ella's friend, Iggy, who created a new logo for me.. beautiful.. :)

See more of Idul Fitri 2011 Items

Write Some Things

Pastor Rick Warren: God didn't put you on earth just to read about what others do. He made you TO DO some things others will want to read about!
Allah tidak menempatkan Anda di bumi hanya untuk membaca tentang apa yg orang lain lakukan. Dia membuat Anda melakukan tentang beberapa hal yg org lain ingin membacanya!

Mantap... Qta bisa melakukannya.. salah satunya dgn menulis kesaksian2 kemuliaan & kebesaran Allah, dan muzizat2 (besar/kecil) yg qta alami krn kasih-Nya.

Give Me Your Eyes

Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes

Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black tile
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breath in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos
Are those people going somewhere?
Why have I never cared?

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the once forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide whats underneath
Theres a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
To ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work
He's buying time
Are those people going somewhere?
Why have I never cared?


Ive Been there a million times
A couple of million eyes
Just moving past me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong
Well I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way you see the people all alone

Chorus (x2)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lady - Kenny Roger

Miss.. 'someone' sing this song for me.. xxx

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

RIP Dear Friend Herman Chang

Founder of DGtraffic
Indonesian's First Google Advertising Certified Partner.

I lost one a good friend of mine Herman Chang, one of a nice, kind & humble person I ever knew. I remember how we spent time with coffee at Dunkin, talking about dreams & goals. A young man with a spirit of success, yet still care about friends & others. He introduced me to the internet world that has changed me. Never a cross my mind he'll gone this soon. Goodbye bro.. You'll be missed.. I'll see you again in heaven okay.

Caroline.. be strong dear.. He's healthy now.. and in a beautiful place.

Rest In Peace dear friend.. brother.. you're in a heavenly land now.

Read: About My Friend Herman

One by one.. Only the Good die young.. They're only flying to close to the sun.. We'll remember - Forever..