Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Trip To USA

August 31, 2011.. It's the time for my first son to leave Indonesia to study abroad.. USA. Since it was his first year, so I went there with him to accompany & take care of what he needed. Some of my relatives, most of them are close with him came to the airport to support his movement . ~ Thank you guys.. :D 

31 Agustus 2011.. Ini adalah waktunya bagi anak pertama gw pergi meninggalkan Indonesia untuk belajar di luar negeri .. Amerika Serikat. Karna ini adalah tahun pertama, jadi gw ikut pergi ke sana nemenin dia & ngurusin apa2 yang dia butuhkan. Beberapa kerabat gw, yang cukup deket ma anak gw, ikut datang ke bandara untuk melepas kepergiannya. ~ Trima kasih smuanya.. : D

Transit at Singpore, quite long almost 4 hours.. guess I was not really check & booked a wrong time of flight from Indonesia.. It's too early..  and there was nothing we can do there except shopping.. Nope.. No shopping hehehe.. 

Transit di Singpore, cukup panjang hampir 4 jam-an.. Kayanya gw kurang ngecek & salah ngebook jam penerbangan dari Indonesia deh.. Kepagian .. dan gak ada yang bisa qta lakukan disana kecuali belanja.. Nope.. Gak belanja hehehe .

Fort Lee, New Jersey

Silver Spring, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland
Seattle, Washington 
Seattle Airport

Seattle Space Needle

The Motions

 When you start pitying yourself.. you're also starting to empower yourself.. ~JG~ | Ketika Anda mulai mengasihani diri sendiri .. Anda juga mulai memberdayakan diri Anda..

Don't go through the motions.. Make a choice.. Fight through the nothingness of life.. Make a change.. Just OK is not enough..!! | Jgn pergi melalui gerakan.. Buat pilihan.. Melawan melalui kehampaan hidup .. Buat perubahan .. Hanya OK tidak cukup..!!

Beautiful Life

With the imperfection.. my life is still beautiful.. coz JC in it ♥ Dgn ketidaksempurnaan.. hidupku masih indah.. krn JC ada didalamnya.. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Never demands others to change if you can't change your self either.. Changes require a proses, desire, sincerity & the touch of God.. not a dissimulation nor improper purpose. ~jg~

Jangan pernah menuntut orang lain untuk berubah jika Anda tidak dapat mengubah diri Anda jg.. Perubahan memerlukan proses, keinginan, ketulusan & sentuhan Allah .. bukan kepura-puraan atau tujuan yang tidak benar. ~jg~