Thursday, November 29, 2012

RIP My Lovely Aunt

In Memory.. my lovely aunt.. Lanny Gozali.. (my ucle's wife)
Des 31, 1948 - Nov 23, 2012
Rest in peace.. you're in arm of angel to be with Father in His Kingdom.

Love ♥ you..

Remembering my childhood .. before life got better.. where I with my brother and cousins lived together under the some roof with my grandmother, my uncle and his wife, my mom, my aunt and my (late) uncle. With the shortage and excess that we have.. We all got more love and attention because we were surrounded by adults who love us dearly.

Teringat masa kecilku.. sebelum kehidupan menjadi lebih baik.. dimana aku bersama dengan koko-ku dan sepupu2ku hidup bersama di satu atap dengan nenekku, om-ku & istrinya, mama-ku, tante-ku & om-ku (alm). Dengan kekurangan & kelebihan yang kami miliki.. Kami semua mendapatkan kasih & perhatian yang lebih karna kami dikelilingi oleh orang2 dewasa yang mengasihi kami dearly.

When my mom started working in a factory.. My uncle's wife (mama Allan) took over some of my mom job as a mom.. Taking care of me & my brother while my mom was not around, attending a Christmas celebration at school, took my school report and told us fairly tales :D Her love did not show a difference between her kids & nephew/niece.. And when I grown up and have childrens, she also treated my kids with not difference from her own grandkids.. so does my uncle.

Ketika mama-ku mulai bekerja di sebuah pabrik.. Istri om-ku (mama Allan) mengambil alih sebagian pekerjaan mama-ku sebagai seorang ibu.. Menjaga aku & koko-ku disaat mamaku tidak ada, menghadiri perayaan natal disekolah & mengambil raportku serta memberi dongengan :D Kasihnya tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan antara anak2nya & keponakan2nya.. Dan ketika aku sudah dewasapun & mempunyai anak, beliaupun memperlakukan anak-anakku tidak berbeda dengan cucu2nya yang lain.. begitu juga om-ku.

Goodbye mama / oma Allan .. Thank you for being part of my life and my childrens'.. You will continue to be part of our memories .. We ♥ you .. See you again in heaven ..

Selamat jalan mama / oma Allan.. Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dalam hidup aku & anak-anakku.. Kau akan terus menjadi bagian dari kenanganku kami.. We ♥ you.. See you again in heaven..

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Help Others Change Your Own Situation

Joel Osteen Ministries: When you help others in your time of need, that’s a seed you're showing that God can use to change your own situation.

Ketika Anda membantu orang lain dalam waktu Anda (sedang) membutuhkan (bantuan jg), itu adalah benih yang sedang Anda tunjukan bahwa Allah dapat gunakan (itu) untuk mengubah situasi Anda sendiri.

Sometimes when we're in a difficult / sorrow and needs help.. there are other people who suddenly need our help. There are 2 options.. we can ignore it and keep swimming in our distress / unhappiness.. or we get up and help him/her.. which without us knowing it that precisely which will help change our own situation.

Kadang disaat qta sedang susah/galau dan membutuhkan bantuan.. ada orang lain yg tiba2 membutuhkan bantuan qta. Ada 2 pilihan.. qta bs mengabaikannya & ttp berenang dlm kesusahan/kegalauan qta.. atau qta naik dan membantu orang itu.. yg tanpa qta sadari justru itu jg yg akan membantu mengubah situasi qta sendiri.

I often experience it.. and I tend to choose to help them rather then thinking about my distress / unhappiness.. eventually after doing it.. joys arises; and my sadness / turmoil was not really bothered me anymore.. God is indeed good.. He knows how to make me not to swim to long in my distress / unhappiness.. so I won't catch a cold.. hehehe..

Gw sering mengalami hal itu.. dan gw cenderung memilih utk membantu org itu ketibang mikirin kesusahan/kegalauan gw.. alhasil stelah lakukan itu.. sukacita itu timbul dan kesusahan/kegalauan gw-pun dah gak terlalu mengusik hati gw lg.. Tuhan itu mmg baik.. Dia tau caranya bikin gw gak berenang kelamaan dalam kesusahan/kegalauan gw.. jd gw gak masuk angin.. hehehe..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Uncle Ramdani Gozali

In the office.. while discussing about the safety of production machinery / plant.. it turns out that the person knew and had worked together with my late uncle (mother's sister) .. Overview of her story about the workings of my uncle.. were on time.. understand the machine well.. and actually checking the engine up to detail .. especially for safety.. even 1 inch he can tell if it is not in right position.. Amazed.. happy.. proud.. hearing it.. It's my uncle you know.. ЂƺђƺЂƺђƺ.. A racer.. kind person.. & Workaholic too.. Hmm ◦ ° ˚ ˚ ˚ ° ◦ miss you uncle.. I really do .. : '(

Di kantor.. Bahas soal safety mesin2 produksi/pabrik.. ternyata orgnya kenal & prnh kerja bareng ma almarhum susu (adik mama) gw.. Sekilas dia cerita ttg cara kerja susu gw.. yg on time.. ngerti mesin.. dan bener2 ngecek mesin smp mendetail.. khususnya buat keamanan.. even 1 inchi-pun dia bisa tau kalo itu gak pd posisinya.. Kagum.. seneng.. bangga.. dengernya.. Susu gw gitu lho.. ЂƺђƺЂƺђƺ.. Pembalap.. kind person.. & workaholic too.. Hmm◦°˚˚˚°◦ miss you su.. I really do.. :'(

It was Augustus 2000.. My mom youngest brother.. my lovely uncle.. gone too soon in the age of 45.. ♥ You always remembered.. We miss you ♥ 

Pada Augustus 2000.. Adik termuda mama-ku.. om-ku yang penuh kasih.. pergi terlalu cepat dalam usia 45.. Engkau selalu dikenang.. Kami merindukanmu

Friday, November 2, 2012

Jesus, The Truth & Christianity

As believers.. Jesus is Savior.. part of the Holy Trinity.. Alpha & Omega..

The Bible is a guide book of life.. What is written in it is the word which is alive and the TRUTH..

The truth is the truth.. recognized / not recognized.. and feel right is not necessarily right / true..

We do not need a justification / recognition from the people who do not believe in Him.. because Christianity is not a religion.. but a choice of life to believe, confess, follow and become like Christ.

Bagi orang percaya.. Jesus adalah Juru Selamat.. bagian dari Tri Tunggal Maha Kudus.. Alfa & Omega..

Alkitab adalah buku panduan hidup.. Apa yang tertulis didalamnya adalah Firman yang hidup dan KEBENARAN.. 

Kebenaran tetaplah kebenaran.. diakui/tidak diakui.. dan merasa benar belum tentu benar.. 

Kita tidak butuh pembenaran / pengakuan dari yang tidak mempercayai-Nya.. karena keKristenan bukanlah agama.. tapi pilihan hidup untuk percaya, mengakui, mengikuti & menjadi serupa dengan Kristus