Friday, July 27, 2007

Holiday.... Trip to Bali & Honoris

We went to Bali for 4 day... Me, my kids, brother, cousins, friends. It was fun... we spent di Hotel Studio, small hotel but very nice. I updated my tattoo so... Anes won't say it's "tompel" anymore hehehehe.

Unfortunatly... I got sick there.... but didn't reduce the fun for the rest of us. Friday afternoon, July 20, we flied back home to Jakarta. Next morning, Ella & Seung went back to State, while me... still cuddle with my blanket, hope evertything would be fine & can go to work on monday. But... when I went to see a doctor on Tuesday night, she asked me to check in to the hospital :D well.... I still need another holiday I quess... so...... Honoris.... here I came!!!!

My trombosil was so low, only 24, the next day even worst only 11. But after that day... everthing much-much better, went up to 73 and today 153, that's why I can be realiased from hospitas, today. Thanks GOD

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