Saturday, June 18, 2011

Congratulation Telis

♣♌TЂãπks♌♣ God for a good news.. | Congratulation to my charming one.. Aristotelis Balaskas.. ◦ßÿε ßÿε◦°˚˚˚°¤ Primary School.. ~_^ ♥ Love you son.. I'm so proud of you.. ♥

God's love
is incredible .. His miracle is real and never-ending.. I'm so happy because today my second son has graduated from Primary School and will continue to Secondary School.. He was born prematurely with all the complication and imperfectly.. based on IQ test when he was so young, the result said he cannot go to a regular school.. he has to go to special school.. Yah, that's human.. but God has different plan.. In fact, he can follow the lesson well in the same school as his big brother.. and today he passed/graduated.

When we trust & lean on HIS.. HE works & His miracles become real .. | Many many thanks to my Lord .. my JC .. & My Holy Spirit.

Thank You Lord.. for all the miracle that happen in my son.. Aristotelis Balaskas.. Without You.. we won't go this far.. and I believe.. with You, he will do just fine.. :) and I know more miracle will come to him.. ~ Love You ♥ JC

Terima kasih Tuhan .. untuk semua keajaiban yang terjadi di anak saya .. Aristotelis Balaskas .. Tanpa Engkau .. kami tidak akan pergi sejauh ini .. dan saya percaya .. bersama Engkau, ia akan baik-baik saja .. :) Dan saya tahu mukjizat yang lain akan datang kepadanya .. ~ Love You JC

Kasih Tuhan sungguh luar biasa.. Muzizat-NYA nyata dan tiada hentinya.. Aku berbahagia krn hari ini anakku yg ke 2 baru saja lulus dr Primary School & akan melanjutkan ke Secondary School.. Dia lahir premature dgn sgala komplikasi & ketidak sempurnaan.. bahkan saat test IQ-pun, wkt dia msh kecil, hasil mengatakan dia tdk dpt skolah di skolah biasa.. hrs ke skolah luar biasa.. Yah itu manusia.. tp Tuhan pny rencana berbeda.. kenyataannya.. dia dpt mengikuti pelajaran dgn baik di sekolah yg sama dgn koko-nya.. dan hari ini dia lulus..

Ketika qta percaya & bersandar pd-NYA.. DIA bekerja & muzizat2-Nya-pun nyata.. | Banyak trima kasih untuk Tuhan-ku.. JC-ku.. & Roh Kudus-ku.

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