Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's My Birthday

Today is my Birthday.... Jumat malam ada persekutuan/sharing di tempat tante-ku. Mereka tunggu sampe jam 12, tiba2 Ika bawa kue & lilin yg menyalah... surprise juga sih.... & seneng juga. Ternyata Ika, Dimi & Telis udah planning dari siang tadi heheheheh seneng-nyaaaaaa TQ sayangku. Pak Dra, TQ kadonya. TQ buat SMS2nya, Jose, at 00:00:50, you're still the first one ;) Lissje & Rina juga.
Evy, Ella-Seung, Ika, thanks for the Kodak. "Hot Red" Cool... like it!!!! Mom... thanks for the Ring "Beutiful." Dimi-Telis thanks for the kissess.... & being owesome kids. Ko Wewe thanks for the flowers. Mba If... thanks for the cake. Ko2ku... thanks for the thought, he's out of city, I might got something, after he come back ha...ha...ha... And also to all of you who called & sms me, TQ so much for remembering my birthday, meant so much to me.

Me & Kids went to Kino Taki Restaurant, as Telis's reguested, for small celebration & gathered at my mom's place after that.

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