Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Christ

The Day of birth of Christ..

Christmas is a beautiful gift from the Father to us all..
Without Christmas there would be no salvation and redemption..
Without Christmas there would be no ease in understanding the divinity..

Christmas proves that God the Father in Heaven loves us all ..
Let the joy and happiness still resonates and always fill our days.
Happy Birthday Christ .. Merry Christmas everyone..

Father loves us all
♥ JennyGozali & kids  ♥

Hari kelahiran Kristus..

Natal adalah hadiah terindah dr Bapa utk qta smua.. Tnp Natal tdk akan ada penyelamatan & penebusan.. Tnp Natal tdk akan ada kemudahan dlm pemahaman akan ke-Allah-an..

Natal membuktikan bhw Allah Bapa di Surga sangat mengasihi qta smua.. Biarlah sukacita & kebahagia ttp bergema & slalu mengisi hari2 qta.

Selamat Ulang Tahun Kristus..
Selamat Hari Raya Natal smuanya..

Bapa mengasihi qta smua..
♥ JennyGozali & kids ♥

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Song: This Is Christmas

Be careful how the world has been trying to twist our mind.. It's about time.. put in our mind.. Christmas is about Christ.. not Claus.. 

Hati-hati bagaimana dunia telah mencoba untuk memutar pikiran kita.. Ini waktunya.. masukkan ke dalam pikiran kita.. Natal adalah tentang Kristus.. bukan Santa Claus.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Image

We built our image by our own. ~ Kita membangun citra kita oleh kita sendiri.

We have the power for our image.. Doesn't matter how good / bad, people talk about us.. in the end we're the one who can prove it's the truth.

Kita yang punya kuasa untuk citra diri kita sendiri.. Tidak peduli seberapa baik / buruk-nya orang memperbincangkan diri kita.. pada akhirnya kita sendiri yang dapat membuktikan kebenarannya.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Condolence: Sandy Hook Elementry School Shooting

Deepest condolences to the parents & families for the loss of their love one at Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut on Friday, Des 14, 2012

Heart breaking.. tears dropping.. :'( There are many sick people who need help & God now.. so they won't hurt anyone.. :(

My sympathy dan prayer with them..
May God give them strength for what they're facing now.. Amin

Belasungkawa yang sedalamnya kepada orang tua & keluarga atas kehilangan orang yang mereka cintai pada penembakan di sekolah dasar Sandy Hook Connecticut pada Jumat, Des 14, 2012.

Hati hancur.. air mata berjatuhan.. :'( ada banyak orang sakit yang memerlukan pertolongan dan Tuhan sekarang ini.. jadi mereka tidak menyakitkan orang lain.

Simpati dan doa-ku bersama mereka.
Kiranya Tuhan memberi kekuatan untuk apa yang sedang mereka hadapi saat ini.. Amin

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today, 29 Years Ago

Des 11, 2012 | Today.. 29 years ago.. I declared & reborn again by accepting Christ & get baptized.. ♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ Lord for choosing me as one of Your Child.. And few years ago.. I found out how He loves me so much, when I was in my rock bottom.. ♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ Dad, JC & Holy Spirit for making me who I am now.. Love ♥ You always.

Des 11, 2012 | Hari ini.. 29 tahun yang lalu.. Saya menyatakan & dilahirkan kembali dengan menerima Kristus & dibaptis.. Terima kasih Tuhan karena telah memilih saya sebagai salah satu Anak-Mu.. Dan beberapa tahun yang lalu.. Saya mengetahui betapa Dia begitu mengasihi saya, ketika saya berada diposisi yang sangat terberat saya.. Trima kasih Bapa, JC & Roh Kudus untuk membuat saya seperti saya sekarang ini.. Love ♥ You always.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Song: My Own Little World

Listen to the lyrics.. see the clip.. and get the message..!!

Start breaking my heart for what breaks Yours.. Give me open hands and open doors.. Put Your light in my eyes and let me see.. That my own little world is not about me.. Amin :)

In my own little world it hardly ever rains
I’ve never gone hungry or always felt safe
I got some money in my pocket
Shoes on my feet
In my own little world
Population me

I try to stay awake
Through the Sunday morning church
I throw a twenty in the plate
But I never give ’til it hurts
And I turn off the news
When I don’t like what I see
It’s easy to do when it’s
Population me

What if there’s a bigger picture
What if I’m missing out
What if there’s a greater purpose
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world

Stopped at the red light, looked out my window
Outside the car, saw a sign,
Said “Help this homeless widow”
Just above this sign was the face of a human
I thought to myself,
“God, what have I been doing?”
So I rolled down my window
And I looked her in the eye
Oh how many times have I just passed her by
I gave her some money then I drove on through
In my own little world there’s
Population two

What if there’s a bigger picture
What if I’m missing out
What if there’s a greater purpose
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world

Start breaking my heart for what breaks Yours
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me

Friday, December 7, 2012

His Approval Stamped

Joel Osteen Ministries: You've been painted by the most incredible painter there could ever be. When God created you, He stamped His approval on you. ~ Anda telah dilukis oleh pelukis paling luar biasa yang pernah ada. Ketika Tuhan menciptakan Anda, Dia mengecap persetujuan-Nya pada Anda.

We are the paintings of God .. when we're created & born His approval had been stamped upon us.. Whether we born with both parents keq.. whether  we born without a father keq.. whether we born of out wedlock keq.. whether we born wanted/unwanted keq.. whether we've been left to others keq .. whether we've been recognized/not keq .. Whether we're the children of the umpteenth wife keq.. Whether we're normal/disabled keq.. In the spirit we are perfect and approved its existence ..

Kita adalah lukisan-lukisan Allah.. saat kita diciptakan & dilahirkan persetujuan-Nya telah di cap-kan pada kita.. Mau kita lahir dengan orang tua lengkap keq.. Mau kita lahir tanpa ayah keq.. Mau kita lahir di luar nikah keq.. Mau kita lahir karena diinginkan/tidak keq.. Mau kita diserahkan kepada orang lain keq.. Mau kita diakui/tidak keq.. Mau kita anak dari istri kesekian keq.. Mau kita normal/cacat keq.. secara spirit kita sempurna & disetujui keberadaannya..

Don't let the limitations of the human eyes and the world limit ourselves to claim what God has already approved and stamped.. so it keeps us away from His plan & purpose of our approval existence.

Jangan biarkan keterbatasan mata manusia & dunia membatasi diri kita untuk meclaim apa yang Allah sudah setujui & cap.. sehingga menjauhkan kita dari tujuan & maksud-Nya menyetujui keberadaan kita.

God bless us.. :)