Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cahaya Hati Biruku

Bercumbu malam bersama rindu
dalam sekeping harapan
akan asa berselubung waktu
meraih mimpi di keheningan

sepi mendera sunyi merajah
ditemani rembulan yang tersenyum
kecupan bintang unggah gerah
mewarnai kebisuan berpadu kelam.

By Alvin 290912

Someone sent me this poem & the image too..
Sweet.. TQ uda.. Ђƺђƺ :D

 Light my blue heart

Making out the night with longing
 in a piece of hope
 would hope sheathed time
 achieve a dream in silence

lonely whack loneliness reign
 accompanied by a smiling moon
 upload a sultry kiss star
 chime silence dark coloring.

 Using google translate :)

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