Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

I Surrender

God has been good to me.. time to move forward.. ~_^ click.
For someone out there.. my FBI.. hahaha..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord for all Your magnificent work in my life.. You are awesome and the greatest.. Can't wait to see what next.. :D

Tasty Junk Food :D

My status in facebook early in the morning around 1 am 27/03/11
You.. who knew my story will understand what I meant.. :D

Jenny Gozali-Balaskas I enjoy Kentucky Fried Chicken, breast & crispy.. I love McDonald, large fries 6 nuggets & 1 soft drink.. I never been to Texas Fried Chicken.. ♣:)WƏǝªǨƏǝªǨƏǝª=))♣

Gisela Meryl Ch You should go to texas fried chicken ci, ayamnya lebih HITS dr yang lainnya :p
Janna Gozali Texas fired chicken is good, sausage...??? Go there n find out yrself
Jenny Gozali-Balaskas ‎@Meryl~> Hmm◦°˚˚˚°◦¤ ♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ for the advice.. @Janna~> =))Ϟα°˚˚°Ϟα°˚˚°Ϟα:D hope the sausage is good with BBQ sauce.. Qîe◦qîe◦qîe◦°˚°◦ {^⌣^}
Gisela Meryl Ch Yeah bbq sauce with little bit of chilli sauce sounds good :p yummm hahahhaha
Jenny Gozali-Balaskas Yeahhh... Yiihaaah... Hot.. hot.. Wκꪪꪪꪪ=))=))
Ray McDonald ever tried Ray's fried chicken? btw...Texas Fried Chicken is dying to have you visit real soon....
Jenny Gozali-Balaskas ‎ @Ray~> Spicy is good.. I guess I should try that too ah.. Texas Fried Chicken.. is on my list.. Be there.. somehow.. someday.. some tick Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ
Ray McDonald Tick

Friday, March 25, 2011

Angel Wings

After all the thought.. I knew sooner or later, I have to face the hard one.. so I prepared the words & right moment.. and WOW.. never thought it would be that easy.. Telis took it so well & full of excitement "Go for it.. yeaa we move to US.." he also said.. "You know I never let you with any guy.. but this one I let you.. go for it." hahaha...

And Telis smiles when I told him.. he calls me.. angel wings

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Recognize God's Voice

I've been wondering how could I recognize God’s voice.. since I don’t wanna mess up with my own desire.. One day I got the answer from daily hope The Purpose Driven Connection; 'How to Recognized God's Voice' and I have to wait for a week to complete all the lesson/information I need.

This is my summary, hopefully this can give us the idea of how to recognize God's voice.. for the complete teaching from Purpose Driven Connection just click this "How to Recognize God's Voice"

How do I know it’s not my own desire or even a lie from Satan?
The answer is clear in 1 John 4:1 – I must test it to find out.

“Don’t believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God; test it first to see if it really is!” 1 John 4:1 (LB)

According to Rick Warren there are 7 (seven) tests form a filter for recognizing God’s voice and we need to make sure that the idea we are testing passed all the seven of them.

  1. Does it agree with the Bible?
  2. Does it make me more like Christ?
  3. Are there other people who can confirm what I believe God is saying to me?
  4. Is it consistent with how God shaped me?
  5. Does it concern your responsibility?
  6. Is it convicting or is it condemning?
  7. Do I sense God’s peace about it?
When it does, you can have absolute confidence that the idea is from God.

It’s not just a matter of hearing God’s voice; it’s also a matter or responding. Hearing is not enough. You have to act as well.

The Bible says that God speaks to people who do three things. “Listen to this wise advice; follow it closely, for it will do you good, and you can pass it on to others” (Proverbs 22:17 LB).

God speaks to those who listen to what he says, follow it closely, and then pass it on to others.

Philippians 4:6-7 describes the attitude you should have when you listen to God’s voice. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (NLT).

First Test - Does it agree with the Bible?

If you want to know God’s voice, the only book you need to read is the Bible. You need to memorize it, study it, and meditate on it.

For example, the Bible tells us to pay our taxes when it says “give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:21 NIV). So if you feel God telling you not to pay your taxes this year, that thought isn’t from God. It would be a contradiction of his Word.

Second Test - Does it make me more like Christ?

God is never going to tell you something in your mind that would cause you to do something that’s un-Christlike. If it is not like Jesus, you didn’t get the idea from God.
  • Is it pure? If any thought is impure, God didn’t give it to you.
  • Is it peace-loving? If the idea is from God, it will promote harmony and reconciliation, not conflict.
  • Is it considerate? Any idea that would hurt or harm someone, even though it may benefit you, is not from God because he cares about the effect it might have on others.
  • Is it submissive? If you get an idea from God, you must be open to having it tested by other people, asking them what they think about it. If you are hesitant and don’t feel like letting other people test the idea, then it didn’t come from God because it isn’t leading you to submit to others’ feedback.
  • Is it full of mercy? An impression from God will make you more gracious and forgiving. It won’t make you judgmental or critical.
  • Is it impartial and sincere? When you get an idea that’s from God, you don’t use it to manipulate people to get your own way.

Third Test - Are there other people who can confirm what I believe God is saying to me?

So when it comes to hearing God’s voice, you need to listen to the people around you. You need a church family and a small group to confirm whether what you sense God directing you to do is true or not.

If God has genuinely spoken to you, he will confirm it through other mature believers. Advice from other mature believers can save you time wasted doing the wrong thing.

Forth Test - Is it consistent with how God shaped me?

Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. These five things make you unique from everyone else in the world. They also reveal your purpose in life.

A lot of people ignore their SHAPE and end up wasting millions of dollars going after pipe dreams, starting businesses and making plans they weren’t shaped to do. God will never lead you a way that is inconsistent with your SHAPE.

If you have a musical ability, you should use it. But if you’re tone deaf and can’t carry a tune, you shouldn’t try out for American Idol.

Fifth Test - Does it concern your responsibility?

If something is not your responsibility, why should God talk to you about it? Wouldn’t he just talk directly to the person it concerns?

Now, does God ever speak to others through another person? Of course he does. But there are three guidelines you need to follow if feel God is using you to speak to someone else.

  1. Be patient and pray. Give God a chance to speak to that person directly.
  2. God will typically use you to confirm in someone else’s life what he’s already told them. So when you share your words with someone it won’t be a big surprise if it’s really from God.

God will usually use you without you being conscious of it. If God is going to speak through you to others, he will often do it in a way that you don’t even realize it was God speaking through you. But the person on the receiving end will recognize its truth.

Sixth Test - Is it convicting or is it condemning?

A lot of Christians live under condemnation, or constant guilt, and they think it is from God. It isn’t. Condemnation comes from Satan. But conviction comes from God.

Here’s the difference between the two: The purpose of conviction is to correct you on a specific issue in order to bring a change in your life, and it is motivated by God’s love. Because God loves you, when he sees an area in your life that needs change – a relationship, a habit, an attitude – he will nudge you and say, “You need to work on this thing that’s out of whack in your life.”

The purpose of condemnation is to criticize and make you feel guilty, usually in a vague way. If you’ve ever felt guilty but you couldn’t point to anything specific, or if you’ve ever had a feeling of worthlessness, that is condemnation from Satan.

Seven Test - Do I sense God’s peace about it?

If you think you’ve heard from God, it measures up to God’s Word, you’ve gotten advice from other people and passed the other tests, but you still feel confused or anxious, then it doesn’t pass the seventh test.

Why? “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV). So you wait and remain patient until you sense God’s peace.

God is a perfect father. Parents don’t want their kids to feel worried or pressured when they ask them to do something. No, they want their children to feel encouraged. That’s the same way God wants to relate to you. He doesn’t want you to feel anxiety in anything he asks you to do.


Someone sent me a poam.. and I give the title Wishes. He asked me if I love poam? I do.. I like anything that is good & beautiful.. and I always appreciate people creation.. especially when it made for me :D

I do write poem sometime, but I guess, it's not as good as I write a story.. Maybe because I'm talkative and poem is to short to write hehehe

And he say to me.. The beauty in your heart alone and the radiant glow on your face is already poetic. You do not need to write poems, to make any man feel good.. It all lies in your eyes and heart. ~ Oº°˚˚°ºoohh so sweet.. ♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ Ray..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bye-Bye Elementary School

Done with doctor's letter that Telis' teacher asked for; a letter that explane he has a motoric skill problem, and I have to make one also as a parent. These letter will be used as supporting document for his elementary goverment exam; we don't ask for dispensation, just for a little understandable :)

Telis is my second child, born prematurely with different kind of complication; but lots of miracles happened; after several surgeries & 1 year off school in 2008-2009, he manage to go this far & will finish his elementary school soon. Horayy...!!

God is always great..

Thank you to Pelangi Kasih Elementary School and all Telis' teachers who's been so patient, understand and supporting him. All your kindness will always be remembered. God bless you all.

Read Telis' story ~ My Premature Baby

Baca cerita tentang Telis ~ Bayi Prematur-ku

Surat dokter yang diminta oleh guru Telis dah dapat, sebuah surat yang menerangkan bahwa ia memiliki masalah dengan keterampilan motoriknya, dan aku juga harus membuat satu surat sebagai orang tuanya. Surat ini akan digunakan sebagai dokumen pendukung untuk Ujian Negara SD-nya, kami tidak meminta dispensasi, hanya mohon sedikit bisa dimengerti :)

Telis adalah anak kedua saya, lahir prematur dengan berbagai jenis komplikasi, tetapi banyak mukjizat terjadi, setelah beberapa operasi & 1 tahun cuti sekolah di 2008-2009, ia berhasil sampe sejauh ini & akan menyelesaikan SD-nya segera. Horayy...!!

Allah itu maha besar..

Terima kasih untuk SD Pelangi Kasih dan semua guru-guru Telis yang sudah sangat sabar, memahami dan mendukung dia. Semua kebaikan kalian akan selalu teringat. Tuhan memberkati Anda semua.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Comfort Zone

I've often told people that.. come out of the comfort zone can make us grow and even succeed; unless we tried.. we'll never know what is waiting for us out there, what God has provided for us.

I know so cause I've been there, and I guess I'm facing it again now. Oh boy.. many things to be prayed for & think about; if I take the chance, this gonna be a huge step.
Aku sering mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahwa.. keluar dari zona kenyamanan bisa membuat kita tumbuh dan bahkan berhasil, kecuali kita mencoba.. kita tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang menunggu kita di luar sana, apa yang Allah telah sediakan bagi kita.

Aku tahu itu karena aku pernah mengalaminya, dan kurasa aku sedang menghadapinya lagi sekarang. Oh boy .. banyak hal yang harus didoakan dan berpikir tentang, jika saya mengambil kesempatan, ini akan menjadi langkah besar.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Amazing True Story

Amazing true story.. the love of a father to his son..
Guys.. You should see this.. especially If you're a father.. how far will you do for you child..

Kisah nyata yg amazing.. cinta seorang ayah terhadap anaknya..
Anda harus lihat ini .. terutama jika anda seorang ayah .. seberapa jauh yang akan anda lakukan untuk anda anak..

The doctor said: "forget Rick, put him away.. put him in institution.., he can't be nothing but vegetable for the rest of his life." And guess what, he graduted from high school & college.. wow.. so inspiring..

Dokter berkata: "lupakan Rick, tinggalkan dia.. tempatkan di suatu lembaga, ia tidak akan bisa apa-apa selain sayur selama sisa hidupnya." Dan tebak apa yang terjadi.., ia lulus dari sekolah menengah atas dan & dari perguruan tinggi .. Wow.. sangat inspirasi..

Miracle do happen when we believe..
People can say anything based on their knowledge.. but GOD can do anything based on his love.

Keajaiban bisa terjadi ketika kita percaya ..
Orang bisa mengatakan apapun berdasarkan pengetahuan mereka .. tetapi TUHAN bisa melakukan apapun berdasarkan kasihNya.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Condelences for Japan - March 11, 2011

Condolences for all the lost one in a massive 8.9 magnitude quake and tsunami that occurred in northeast Japan, March 11, 2011.

I was so happy when I heard from my Japanese friends. Glad they are all fine. Tq Lord

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finding a Partner

Said Mr. Dra.. 3 (three) important things in finding a partner:
  1. Fear of the Lord..
  2. Like to help others..
  3. Like to pray..
Tq pak Dradjat.. I'll keep in mind.. :)

Kata pak Dra.. 3 (tiga) hal penting dalam mencari pasangan:
  1. Takut Tuhan..
  2. Suka menolong orang lain..
  3. Suka berdoa..

Trima kasih pak Dradjat.. Aku akan ingat itu.. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

He Will Carry You

Knowing the burdens of my closest people, make me sad.. I wish I can do more than just be there for comforting & supporting them, and give some advise.. Inside me, I wanna scream for all the unfairness they are facing.
God.. please listen to all their prayer, give them strength & patient.

Mengetahui beban orang-orang terdekat-ku, membuat ku sedih .. Aku berharap dapat melakukan lebih dari hanya berada di sana untuk menghibur & mendukung mereka, dan memberikan beberapa saran.. Dalam hatiku, ingin ku menjerit untuk semua ketidakadilan yang mereka hadapi.
Tuhan .. mohon dengarkan semua doa mereka, beri mereka kekuatan dan kesabaran.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just The Way You Are

We talk.. we share story.. we tease each other.. and we laugh..
I remember he told me 'don't ever change..' even for my silliness hahaha..

Today.. he gave me this song.. wow..

Thank you, Ray.., for being such a nice person to me :)

But before that, he also sent me this song... still trying to figure it out what does it mean. hahahaha.. :P