Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pray for Indonesia Harder

Gimana sih tanah air ku ini.. apa blm cukup bencana2 yg terjadi dinegeri ini.. baru jg ngaso sbentar dah mulai lg kericuhan sana sini.. apa bencana2 yg dah terjd msh blm bs membangunkan hati nurani qta.. apa mst ada bencana dulu baru qta bs bersatu.. brp byk bencana lg yg mst ngeri ini hadapi utk bisa pd bangun & buka mata..! Cuma krn seglentiran org, org2 tak bersalah jadi korban, dah kaya negara gak berhukum.

Why my homeland be like this.. Was that not enough the disasters that happened in this country.. the silence just started for a while and the riots have started again here and there .. Was all the disasters that happened is still not able to awaken our consciences .. Was there should be a disaster first so we can come together .. How many more disasters that this country must deal with, to be able to wake us up & open our eyes ..! Just because of few people, lots of innocent people become victims, just like a country without laws.

Ketika manusia sdh merasa bs menjadi pembela Tuhan & mengambil hak Tuhan atas penghukuman/penghakiman.. sesungguhnya mereka adalah pembelot.. krn Tuhan tdk perlu pembelaan (DIA bs melakukan apapun yg DIA mau choii..) & DIA tdk pernah melepaskan/memberikan hak penghukuman/penghakiman-NYA.

When people have felt able to defend God and take God's right for the punishment or judgments .. in fact they are defectors .. because God doesn't need to be defended (He can do whatever HE wanted..) & He never let go or give away His right for punishment / judgment.

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