Friday, June 21, 2013

Cover Tune Grab Bag - "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

If In One Community

Jika dlm 1 komunitas.. ada 1 atau 2 org yg kurang / tidak suka dgn qta.. atau ada masalah dgn qta.. mgkn qta msh bs beranggapan.. aah.. emang mrk-nya aza yg bermasalah.. Tapi klo dah sampe sbagian besar dlm komunitas itu kurang / tidak suka dgn qta.. dan qta sedang / pernah punya masalah dgn hampir stiap mereka.. bukan kayanya lagi.. tp qta memang dah HARUS mengkoreksi diri.. Kecuali klo mmg EGO qta cukup besar shingga menutup mata.. hati.. & kedewasaan qta.. Mo blg apa deh.. gk ada yg bs lawan.. kecuali kehancuran.. :))

If in one community .. there are 1 or 2 people who do not like us.. or we are having / had problem with.. maybe we can still assume.. aah.. they have their own problem indeed.. But if its almost the entire community who do not like us.. and we're having / had a problem with almost every one of them.. it's not maybe anymore.. but definitely we need to check & correct our self.. Unless our EGO is large enough that could closed our eyes .. heart .. and maturity .. What can we say.. nothing can be opposed.. except destruction .. :))