Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trima Kasih Untuk Hidupku

Trima kasih Bapa atas smua kebaikanMu & kasihMu selama ini.. utk jamahananMu & pulihanMu.. utk berkat & karuniaMu yg tak henti2nya.. utk selalu ada buat diriku & di dlm kesendirianku.. KuasaMu menyelamatkan jiwaku & ku tau Kau akan pegang tanganku utk slama-lamanya. Jadilah aku sesuai dgn kehendak-Mu.. Amin. | I ♥ JC

Tq Jesus.. utk slalu ada bersamaku diperjalanan hidupku & kesendirianku.. tnp Engkau.. aku tdk akan dpt sampai di posisi aku skarang ini.. Love You.. JC.. always & forever.. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Birthday

Lord.. thank You for today (May 26) 42 years ago.. Thank you mom.. for having me in your tummy.. hehehe.. Love you mom.. :)

Early in the morning.. someone knocked on my door.. There.. my cousins gave me a surprise visit.. with cake candles & song.. :D Thank you all for a lovely thoughts..

In the afternoon.. another lovely thought in the office
Cheese Cake for everyone.. :D

Celebrating my birthday @ my mom's.. as usual..
Another Cheese Cake

Monday, May 23, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

You Took My Heart Away

Lord.. ♧Ʈhäƞ‎​ĸ◦ƔoƱ♧ for sending Ray to my life.. YOU're so kind to me.. giving me chance to know someone like him & be loved by him.. YOU're awesome :)

Song posted by my cousin, IG, at my fb wall.. :)

Is this falling in love feels like?? So wonderful.. & yet a little bit annoying too Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ :D Ђƺђƺ Can't do much.. mind stuck on that person :P

May God be with us.. always & forever.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your Spell

Your spell has a marvelous ingredients.. and I'm loving it ~_^

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our Uniqueness

Each of us born with a unique characteristic, closer with God doesn't mean we have to be similar as the people who claimed as a child of God . We don't need to be someone else, because the grace of God changes our heart, our attitude & our behavior.. not our uniqueness.

Setiap dari kita lahir dengan karakteristik yang unik, dekat dengan Allah tidak berarti kita harus sama seperti orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai anak Allah. Kita tidak perlu menjadi orang lain, karena kasih karunia Allah merubah hati kita, sikap kita dan perilaku kita .. bukan keunikan kita.

I'm So Grateful

I'm so grateful.. through many storms and tornado that our families has to face.. me & my cousins, so does our parents become more closer than ever.. We can still stand tall & even stronger now.. It's all because the love of Christ in our family.

<3 To all my cousins.. I love you all <3

Aku sangat bersyukur .. melalui banyak badai dan tornado yang keluarga kita harus menghadapi .. saya & sepupu saya, demikian juga orang tua kita menjadi lebih dekat dari sebelumnya .. Kita masih bisa berdiri tegak & bahkan lebih kuat sekarang .. Itu semua karena kasih Kristus dalam keluarga kami

Friday, May 13, 2011

God Will Whisper

I learn something new about GOD's work.. He might have done that all this time & I just realize it recently.. :D

When we want something from someone.. sincerely without ego & compulsion and surrender to him.. If He is pleased and according to Him is the best... He will whisper to that person, so he/she had the same thought as we are.. God is great, isn't He..!! Awesome :)

Saya belajar sesuatu yang baru tentang pekerjaan ALLAH .. mungkin Dia sudah melakukannya selama ini & saya baru menyadari belakangan ini .. :D

Ketika kita menginginkan sesuatu dari seseorang .. dengan tulus tanpa ego & paksaan dan pasrah kepada-Nya .. Jika Dia berkenan dan menurut-Nya terbaik... Dia akan membisikkan kepada orang itu, maka ia memiliki pikiran yang sama seperti kita.. Allah Maha Besar.. benar kan..? Awesome:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Smile & The Eyes

A smiles doesn't cover the eyes of sorrow.. No matter how big the smile is, the eyes show it all.. I guess the allegory of "eyes are the windows of the heart" is true.

Sebuah senyuman tidak menutupi mata kesedihan.. Tidak peduli seberapa besar senyum itu, mata menunjukkan semuanya .. Saya kira alegori/kiasan dari "mata adalah jendela hati" adalah benar.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Love Is The Rights of Everyone

Someone asked me.. "Can I love you Jen..?" I reply.. "Well.. love is the rights of everyone.. people can love anyone who they're willing to.. & I don't have a right to allow or against it.. as long as it's not bothering me..!!"

I didn't mean to be rude.. but that what I believe.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Increasingly Real

Semakin hari semakin terlihat nyata.. tinggal tunggu waktunya aja.. tapi semua terserah yg di Atas.. Dia tau apa yg terbaik..

Day by day increasingly it's seems real.. just wait for the time.. but everything it's up to the Above.. He knows what's best..