Saturday, February 26, 2011

Eminem & My Boy

One day, couple years ago, I was in my mom's house and I heard my first boy's singing Eminem's song. Suprising me.. coz he's still so young, at that time he just enrolled a secondary school.

So I asked him.. where did you heard that song from.. He told me he heard over his friend.. then I said to him, the words in the lyrics was not good & not propritate for your age.

He look at me and with the quity face he said: "I know mommy.. but the song & music is good.." few seconds silent.. then I replied: "I know.. that's why I have the CD at home.." ha..ha..ha..

Son: "What.. you have the CD.. why don't you tell me.."
Me: "No.. of course I don't wanna tell you, like I said the lyric is not propriate for you.."
Son: "Can I have it mommy.. please.. please.."
hehehe.. that cute face..
Me: "Ok.. you can have it.. but only for singging.. you cannot use that language for daily talk.."
Son: "Ok.. mommy.. I won't.."

After that.. for couple weeks.. what I heard was Eminem.. home.. in the car.. my mom's house.. everywhere Eminem.. He asked people to hear the album, including his brother & also my mom.. hahaha..

One day, I was driving and he sat beside me.. of course.. listening to Eminem hehehe.. then.. this song 'Ass Like That' come up..

While he's sing along with it.. I asked him.. "Do you know what pee pee mean in that song?" Maybe he didn't expect me asking that kind of question.. so he just shake his head. Then I told him what does it mean.. he look at me & said "I know mommy" :D

Question continued.. "and do you know why it's noeng noeng..?" then I started to explain "When you get older and star to like a girl.. you might feel something.. and your pee pee could be noeng noeng.. It's a normal thing.." and the advice began "but you have to control it.. don't do stupid thing that might ruin your future." bla bla bla

This is the way I talk to my boys.. explain things & give them advice. We cannot obturate our kids from the world.. and we might not able to protect them all the time.. What we can do is giving them a good point of view, guide them with knowledge & religion, and an open communication; so they will know how to behave & act toward the world.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Like Jesus [Like A G6]

First I heard this song from my son.. while I was driving.. It's sound hilarious tho..

Although I'm a Christian and a Jesus lover, for me, It wasn't offensive at all. I even said to my son.. "One of the good thing being a Christian is we can express ourself in any kind of music as we wanna it, because we are all have our own style & uniquely. As long as it's propriate & do not disgrace God."

Then I tried to look up the clip in youtube & read some comments.. wow.. :)

Well.. every person have a right for any opinion.. and normal if we are all have different point of view, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Although some people think the song & the clip as an insulting & disgusting, but I think we cannot judge them making a mockery of Jesus; because we don't really know what the purpose behind that.. only them & Jesus who knew, so let HIM be the judge.

Honestly.. I like the song.. and I think the word "Like Jesus" will stuck in people mind who ever hear this song; and "turnin' water into wine.. so delicous.." awesome.

I just believe.. if the purpose was for insulting or mockery they will pay the price.. & JC is able to turn that into something good for His own gracefulness.

So enjoy it.. Let JC works for the rest.

Pertama kali gw dengar lagu ini dari anak gw.. disaat gw lagi nyetir... Lagunya lucu banget..

Walaupun gw seorang Kristen dan seorang pecinta Jesus, bagi gw, itu tidak menyinggung sama sekali. Gw bahkan berkata kepada anak gw .. "Salah satu hal yang baik menjadi seorang Kristen adalah kita bisa mengekspresikan diri kita dalam setiap jenis musik seperti yang kita mau, karena kita semua memiliki gaya & keunikan sendiri. Selama itu propriate & tidak mempermalukan Tuhan.."

Lalu gw coba cari klip-nya di youtube & membaca beberapa komentar.. wow.. :)

Yah.. setiap orang memiliki hak untuk menyatakan pendapat apapun.. dan normal jika kita semua memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda, dan tidak ada yang salah dengan itu.

Meskipun beberapa orang berpikir lagu & klip sebagai menghina & menjijikkan, tapi gw pikir kita tidak bisa menilai mereka membuat ejekan terhadap Jesus, karena kita tidak benar-benar tahu apa tujuan di balik itu.. hanya mereka & Jesus yang tahu, jadi biarlah DIA yang menilai & jadi hakim.

Jujur.. gw suka lagunya.. dan gw rasa kata "Like Jesus" akan terjebak dalam pikiran orang-orang yang pernah mendengar lagu ini, dan "turnin' water into wine.. so delicous.." awesome.

Gw percaya.. jika tujuan itu untuk menghina atau ejekan, mereka akan membayar harganya.. & JC mampu mengubah itu menjadi sesuatu yang baik untuk keagunggan-Nya sendiri.

Jadi nikmatin aza.. Biarkan JC bekerja untuk selebihnya.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.

Doesn't really matter how the history of Valentine's day; since it's already known as a love's day, we can still use it as a positif things.

Hopefully more people can use this moment, not only for about romance, but also for celebrating the love for our love ones, family, friends, others, and for all people in the world.

May peace in this universe will follows after the love grows with in us.

English to Indonesian translation

Hari Valentine adalah sebuah peringatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 14 Februari merayakan cinta dan kasih sayang antara sahabat intim.

Tidak terlalu penting bagaimana sejarah hari Valentine, berhubung ini sudah dikenal sebagai hari kasih sayang, kita masih dapat menggunakannya sebagai hal yang positif.

Semoga lebih banyak orang dapat menggunakan saat ini, bukan hanya untuk soal asmara, tapi juga untuk merayakan kasih bagi yang kita kasihi, keluarga, teman, orang lain, dan bagi semua orang di dunia.

Semoga damai di alam semesta ini akan mengikuti, setelah kasih tumbuh di dalam kita.


To All of You.. God bless :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

To Have And Not To Hold

To have and not to hold
So hot, yet so cold
My heart is in your hand
And yet you never stand
Close enough for me to have my way

To love but not to keep
To laugh, not to weep
Your eyes, they go right through
And yet you never do
Anything to make me want to stay


Like a moth to a flame
Only I am to blame
Ba ba da ba ba ba
What can I do
Ba ba da ba ba ba
I go straight to you
Ba ba da ba ba ba
I've been told
You're to have, not to hold

To look but not to see
To kiss but never be
The object of your desire
I'm walking on a wire
And there's no one at all
To break my fall


You're to have, not to hold
You're to have, not to hold


You're to have, not to hold
You're to have, not to hold
You're to have, not to hold
To break my heart


I'm such a fool.. God had showed me lot of things.. why should I still wonder or expect more.. It's crystal clear.. there won't be any future, why we even bother to dream about it.

Don't think about it, don't hope for it, just live with it, play with it & enjoy it while we can.. or.. step out!!

Above & Beyond Indonesia

What an awesome music..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pray for Indonesia Harder

Gimana sih tanah air ku ini.. apa blm cukup bencana2 yg terjadi dinegeri ini.. baru jg ngaso sbentar dah mulai lg kericuhan sana sini.. apa bencana2 yg dah terjd msh blm bs membangunkan hati nurani qta.. apa mst ada bencana dulu baru qta bs bersatu.. brp byk bencana lg yg mst ngeri ini hadapi utk bisa pd bangun & buka mata..! Cuma krn seglentiran org, org2 tak bersalah jadi korban, dah kaya negara gak berhukum.

Why my homeland be like this.. Was that not enough the disasters that happened in this country.. the silence just started for a while and the riots have started again here and there .. Was all the disasters that happened is still not able to awaken our consciences .. Was there should be a disaster first so we can come together .. How many more disasters that this country must deal with, to be able to wake us up & open our eyes ..! Just because of few people, lots of innocent people become victims, just like a country without laws.

Ketika manusia sdh merasa bs menjadi pembela Tuhan & mengambil hak Tuhan atas penghukuman/penghakiman.. sesungguhnya mereka adalah pembelot.. krn Tuhan tdk perlu pembelaan (DIA bs melakukan apapun yg DIA mau choii..) & DIA tdk pernah melepaskan/memberikan hak penghukuman/penghakiman-NYA.

When people have felt able to defend God and take God's right for the punishment or judgments .. in fact they are defectors .. because God doesn't need to be defended (He can do whatever HE wanted..) & He never let go or give away His right for punishment / judgment.

Monday, February 7, 2011

History of Valentine

Source: Wikipedia

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD. It was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, but its religious observance is still permitted. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.

Historical facts

Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome, and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.

Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) about AD 197 and is said to have been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian. He is also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino).

The Catholic Encyclopedia also speaks of a third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of February 14. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions, but nothing more is known about him.

No romantic elements are present in the original early medieval biographies of either of these martyrs. By the time a Saint Valentine became linked to romance in the 14th century, distinctions between Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni were utterly lost.

In the 1969 revision of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, the feastday of Saint Valentine on February 14 was removed from the General Roman Calendar and relegated to particular (local or even national) calendars for the following reason: "Though the memorial of Saint Valentine is ancient, it is left to particular calendars, since, apart from his name, nothing is known of Saint Valentine except that he was buried on the Via Flaminia on February 14." The feast day is still celebrated in Balzan (Malta) where relics of the saint are claimed to be found, and also throughout the world by Traditionalist Catholics who follow the older, pre-Second Vatican Council calendar.

Romantic legends

Saint Valentine of Terni and his disciples.The Early Medieval acta of either Saint Valentine were expounded briefly in Legenda Aurea. According to that version, St Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II in person. Claudius was impressed by Valentine and had a discussion with him, attempting to get him to convert to Roman paganism in order to save his life. Valentine refused and tried to convert Claudius to Christianity instead. Because of this, he was executed. Before his execution, he is reported to have performed a miracle by healing the blind daughter of his jailer.

Since Legenda Aurea still provided no connections whatsoever with sentimental love, appropriate lore has been embroidered in modern times to portray Valentine as a priest who refused an unattested law attributed to Roman Emperor Claudius II, allegedly ordering that young men remain single. The Emperor supposedly did this to grow his army, believing that married men did not make for good soldiers. The priest Valentine, however, secretly performed marriage ceremonies for young men. When Claudius found out about this, he had Valentine arrested and thrown in jail.

There is an additional modern embellishment to The Golden Legend, provided by American Greetings to, and widely repeated despite having no historical basis whatsoever. On the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he would have written the first "valentine" card himself, addressed to a young girl variously identified as his beloved, as the jailer's daughter whom he had befriended and healed, or both. It was a note that read "From your Valentine."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chinese New Year Celebration

Wednesday - February 02, 2011
Chinese New Year's Eve

Thursday ~ Februari 03, 2011
Chinese New Year
Gong Xi Fa Cai

Click this to See More Picture

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Year of Rabbit

Gong Xi.. Gong Xi.. Xin Nian Kuai Le.. Wan Shi Ru Yi..
Gong Xi Fa Cai 2561..

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Chinese New Year's Parcel

2011 my first year of making Chinese New Year's Parcel.
Since I started this business, I just did for Idul Fitri & Christmas/New Year's order; due to customer request.. I finally decided to take the order for imlek event too.. This is the result, not bad ah.. :)

It took me around 4 hours to make all these.. alone :D

To see more my parcel creation please visit my site J3Parcel

Dradjat's Birthday

Thursday, January 27, 2011 ~ Lunch @ Sambal Ulek ~ Celebrating pak Dra's birthday.. Happy birthday pak.. Thank you for being such a wonderful person & a very good mentor.. God bless you & your family.. always. Btw.. thanks for the lunch as well :)

Click here to see More Pictures