Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's My Birthday

Today is my Birthday.... Jumat malam ada persekutuan/sharing di tempat tante-ku. Mereka tunggu sampe jam 12, tiba2 Ika bawa kue & lilin yg menyalah... surprise juga sih.... & seneng juga. Ternyata Ika, Dimi & Telis udah planning dari siang tadi heheheheh seneng-nyaaaaaa TQ sayangku. Pak Dra, TQ kadonya. TQ buat SMS2nya, Jose, at 00:00:50, you're still the first one ;) Lissje & Rina juga.
Evy, Ella-Seung, Ika, thanks for the Kodak. "Hot Red" Cool... like it!!!! Mom... thanks for the Ring "Beutiful." Dimi-Telis thanks for the kissess.... & being owesome kids. Ko Wewe thanks for the flowers. Mba If... thanks for the cake. Ko2ku... thanks for the thought, he's out of city, I might got something, after he come back ha...ha...ha... And also to all of you who called & sms me, TQ so much for remembering my birthday, meant so much to me.

Me & Kids went to Kino Taki Restaurant, as Telis's reguested, for small celebration & gathered at my mom's place after that.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Akhirnya... penantian itu datang juga & kekewatiranpun itu berlalu. Dengan di syah-kannya UU No. 12 Thn 2006 ttg Kewarganegaraan RI yg salah satunya membahas mengenai Dual Nationality untuk anak2 dari perkawinan wanita Indonesia dgn pria asing, anak2-ku memiliki hak untuk pendapatkan itu. Surat Keputusan itu sudah dikeluarkan, tertanggal 20 April 2007 anak2ku sudah menjadi Warga Negara Indonesia & Greek (of course). Happy.... The Best Birthday Present

Need 2 people to Tango

Perceraian memang hal yang menyakitkan & hal yang tidak disukai oleh Allah; tp apakah Allah menginginkan kita untuk tetap berada ditempat dimana kita tidak lagi merasa ada kedamaian & kebahagian? Apakah perkawinan itu harus dipertahankan hanya karna status, demi anak2 atau menjaga nama baik keluarga? Apa artinya suatu keindahan yg diliat dari luar tp penyiksaan & kesedihan didalamnya? Apakah Allah menginginkan itu? Apakah baik bagi anak2 jika mereka mengtahui bahwa keberadaan orang-tuanya hanya berupa sandiwara & keterpaksaan?

Ada pepatah "Need 2 people to Tango" tarian itu akan indah jika pasangin itu bergerak seirama dengan melodinya atau setidaknya mencoba untuk mengikuti gerakan pasangannya; tp jika 1 dari mereka tidak ingin menarikannya.... Apa arti tarian itu? Apa indahnya?

Perceraian memang tidak di sukai Allah, tp bukan berarti Allah tidak akan membuka jalan untuk kita menjadi orang yg lebih baik. Kadang semua itu diizinkanNya karna ada tujuan lain dalam hidup kita. Kegagalan adalah cara Tuhan memberitahukan kita: saatnya untuk berganti arah. Tidak apa2 mengalami kegagalan dalam hidup, tapi jangan berkelamaan meratapi kegagalan itu.

Lalu bagaimana dengan anak2?? Sudah pasti kehidupan mereka akan berubah, tp sebagai orang tua, kita harus bisa mengalah & berkorban untuk memperkecil perubahan itu. Sisihkan ego, sakit hati, marah, benci dan ketakutan kita; jangan ceraikan mereka dari mama/papa-nya. Walau di tempat yg berbeda tp mereka masih bisa memiliki kedua orang-tuanya; jangan bebankan mereka dengan permasalahan kita.

Akar pahit pada umumnya bermula dari keluarga.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Since I was young I have principle "finding a friend is not as easy as finding an enemy" therefore I really appreciate the word "friendship." For me Friends are forever & It doesn't limited by gender, race, religion or nationality. There are many level & type of friends but the key word is still "friend." I have many friends & they are all different, each one of them is unique & special for me... and for my appreciation I make A Page For Friends... TQ all for being my friends.

Sejak dulu aku punya prinsip "mencari teman, tidak semudah mencari musuh", karna itu aku menghargai skali yg namanya "friendship." Buat aku Friends are forever dan tidak dibatasi oleh jenis kelamin, suku, agama & kebangsaan. Ada berapa macam tingkatan & jenis teman, tp kata kuncinya tetap "teman." Temanku banyak & mereka berbeda satu dengan yg lain, masing2 mempunyai keunikan & special buat aku... Sebagai penghargaan & rasa terima kasih, aku buatkan A Page For Friends.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Internet Goldmines

Internet makes our life a whole lot easier nowadays, seems like there is no limit to how much information we can access daily. With the help of Internet, information is made available easily and fast. True, there are still some who use the Internet simply to send emails, browse the Internet, chatting, or playing games. That was me, but I have now discovered a whole new face of the Internet World.

I joined the two days workshop of Internet Income by Ewen Chia, and it opened my eyes. The workshop made me realize the endless possibilities of how I can better use the Internet, It gave me many new ideas, and I am soon inspired to want to be like one of those who are successful in Internet Marketing business.

If you enjoy to be in front of a computer a lot (like how I am), why can’t we make a better use of it? We can certainly do something more valuable by allowing it to generate income for us as well. Let me put it this way, hidden inside this Internet world, there are plenty of goldmines awaiting for the right miners to dig for gold. The questions is, do we want to be that gold miners? And how much do we want it? [05/03/07]

"Success doesn't come to you... you go to it" ~ Marva Collini

jg: TQ to my cousin, Evy, who support me for my interest in internet world. Love u ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mom's 58th Birthday

Today is my mom's birthday. Happy BIRTHDAY mom... best wishes for you. Thank you for all the love that you give to me & my sons, we love you so much!!! muach muach...

Celebrating my mom's 58th Birthday [05/08/07] small gathering after work. Mie Ing-Hua, Pizza & Nasi Kuning.... plus Durian, Ice Cream & Cake wow...

Happy Birthday Mom..., Oma...., Tante...., Ci AiMei ;) Best wishes

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I made.... it

My 1st site for my Internet Marketing Business

I made.... it

May 05 '07 ~ I'm so happy... I just finished my 2nd website; it's my 1st site for my Internet Marketing Business, It's confusing a little bit in the beginning but I finally made it, man... I'm good!!

If we want to put our effort in doing things, sure we'll make it, just don't give up. Another thanks to Herman for his help & patient :)